
Hemiptera: Psyllidae


Psyllids are tiny sap-sucking insects that secrete sticky honeydew. Adults resemble small, winged cicadas and are about 0.1 inches long. Most species of psyllids have very host-specific feeding preferences meaning feed exclusively on a single type of plant.

Life Cycle

Psyllids go through three stages of development: egg, nymph, and adult. Adult females lay eggs on the upper canopy under th e surface of the leaves along the edges. Depending on the temperature, the eggs hatch in 6 to 10 days, and the first instar of nymph emerges. The nymphs are scale-like and flat and are found on top of the leaves. The adults are orange to brown in color and have wings. Psyllids become abundant in spring when temperatures warm and host plants produce new growth flushes. Psyllids have three to five generations per year.

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Psyllids cause a variety of symptoms and damage in plants. Some psyllids produce white wax, make discolor, distort leaves and shoots, stunt plant growth, or tip dieback.



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