Fungus Gnat Control Nematodes – 4 x 5 million PK


Natural & pesticide-free Fungus Gnat control.
We do not recommend ordering the nematode products if the temperature in your region is below 0°C, or if the product will experience temperatures below 0°C while in transit.


Kills gnats, weevils, ants, aphids, & more. Each box contains 2 applications of beneficial nematodes to control the larval stage of fungus gnats in indoor potted plants. Simply mix your nematodes into a watering can and drench the soil of all indoor plants. Follow up with the second application in 7-10 days for a completely natural way to control fungus gnats.

Additional Info

Can be used on all indoor house plants, tropical plants, and any time you add more potting soil to your plants Easy to apply with a watering can or hose-end sprayer for outdoor uses Fungus gnat control nematodes are microscopic worms that seek out larval stages of various fly and other Diptera insects that develop in the soil.

Ideal preventative treatment for tropical plants that are brought indoors after the outdoor gardening season is over.

This fungus gnat control product is organic and pesticide-free.


  • 5 million per 125-250 sq. ft.

How To Apply

Effective Biocontrol for Fungus Gnats

Keep Out Of Direct Sunligh

Do Not Freeze

Read Instructions Before Use


  1. Open bag and place 5g of product in a 9 inch pot
  2. Add water and keep moist
SKU: 4003225 Category: